background info
People who want to save their time & money & stress of weighing up what to buy, Pick Home Store is the best place for them to decide about the best gear & gadgets. At The Pick Home Store, we offer real-world, real-life tips and motivation to help you make your best home. From winterization to spring cleaning, from floor care to Kitchen appliances, from decorating to gardening advice, from home security to home repair how-to’s, we are here for you!
We recommend through a vast amount of reporting, researching, and testing by teams of public researchers. We are always working on how to make your life easier & stress-free!
We don’t pick any product by just their rich features! We test them to find out what it really offers, and if it is useful for your day to day life and all that.
Do your affiliate commissions make you biased?
As we are an affiliate commission based site, it may be the first thing on your mind that, if that make us biased?
Well, the answer is NO!
Yeah, we’ll get commission, if you buy through us, but our sole purpose is & always will be the well-being of our readers!
If you see any kind of biased behavior, illogical explanation- Just let us know!
Our Writers
All of our writers were cautiously chosen for their wide-ranging involvement in their subject areas.

Amelia Reed
She is a proud mother of three children. Married for 25 long years! She is the perfect Admin & Editor in chief for this site. She will be sharing her life long experiences with us.