If you are a DIY enthusiast, you will love to know how to build a simple workbench in garage. A workbench will not only assist you on your project, but it can work as a bench to keep all the necessary tools and accessories related to the garage.
Now, I know, as a DIY fan, you love doing things on your own. But, you might be a bit confused about the size or the dimension of your workbench.
Well, if you don’t have a big garage and you don’t like the bench to eat big space but want to enjoy it to the fullest, the goal will be to build a simple yet efficient workbench.
And, today, to help you organize the garage, I am going to show you a step by step guide on how to build a DIY workbench.
What Tools are Needed To Build A Workbench?
Well, you are not going to need any fancy tools for building a simple workbench in your garage. If not all, the list could include:

- A Handsaw (Works fine unless you don’t want to invest in a power tool kit like Circular Saw)
- Measuring Tape
- A Cordless Drill
- Clamps
- A Miter Square
- File or, Sandpapers
- Screws, Nuts & Bolts
- Wood Glue, Oil Finish
- Countersink Bits
- Corner Rounding Router Bits (If you want, but Sandpapers works fine)
What kind of Wood should I use for a workbench?

Before jump onto building a basic workbench, let’s talk a bit about this.
Well, each wood can vary in quality. But keep in mind that you need to find a knot-free, light grain option that is as dry as possible.
Now, If you choose durability over price, then hardwoods are best for you. Because Hardwoods are sturdy and dent-proof to some extent, this option is perfect if you decide the bench to use on tasks that require force such as metalworking, woodworking or fitting, and assembling.
Softwood, such as Pine, on the other hand, is lighter and perfect for you if you are on a budget. Bear in mind however, the one downside of softwood is that any tasks that involve a medium force on the workbench can dent or damage it.
But if you need a balance between price and durability, Plywood is the best option available. Plywood is not just cheaper, but it can also withstand forceful tasks and heavy metals.
How to Build a Simple Workbench?
6 Steps to Complete The DIY Workbench Project
Step 1: Setting The Desired Dimension

At first, you need to decide the dimension of your workbench with respect to the size of your garage. Then you have to measure the length, width, and height of the bench and write it down in a piece of paper.
Step 2: Building The Base Of The Workbench

Now, you have to build the base of your workbench upon which the bench top will rest. So, cut two pieces of lengths from your 4 by 4 (4x4s) lumber and then mark and square off two more pieces to add them to the width. Make sure to cut everything straight and then clean up ends with a sandpaper or a file.
Next, lay them fit and use corner clamps to hold them at a 90-degree angle to the lengths. When added to the side, drill some pilot holes and drive in two screws at the corner joint. Simply repeat this process in each corner, making sure they are perfectly square.
Step 3: Cutting The Four Legs From 4 x 4s Posts

Following Step 1, you should already determine the height of your workbench and then minus the thickness of the bench top from it. And, that is how long you need to cut the four legs from the 4 by 4 wood posts using a handsaw or circular saw.
Step 4: Cutting The Leg Brace From 2 x 4s Posts
To make the legs sturdy, we need to cut two support brace from the 2 by 4 wood sheet and fix them along the width face of each pair of the legs. One thing to remember is that the length of these leg brace must equal the width of the Workbench minus the thickness of the top base mentioned in step 2 above.
And, before drilling holes onto each leg pair, make sure that the leg brace is lifted a few inches from the bottom so that it won’t sit flat with the floor. Also, keep the same position while placing it across the other leg pair.
Step 5: Assembling The Leg Frame With The Base
Till now, we have built the base and the leg frame for our workbench. Now, we are going to fix the leg frame with the top base. So, put the leg pairs in place inside of the base corner and clamp them under the frame. Make sure they are square and drill holes to screw them at either side of the base and bolt them into place with coach bolts.
Step 6: Fasten The Bench Top On The Base

Finally, we need to mark our laminated bench top at the dimension equal to the top base and cut them accordingly. So, now we’ve got to screw it down onto the base frame. You can use a countersink bit to sink the head of the screw below the surface of the bench top.
Frequently Asked questions
What Is A Good Height For A Workbench?
A simple trick is to set the height of the workbench about where your wrists naturally fall with your hands.
What Is The Average Height Of A Workbench?
It can range from 28″ to 32″ inches.
How Deep Should My Workbench Be?
Preferably, the workbench depth should never wider than your arm can pass over it.
How Wide Should A Workbench Be?
Unlike the other two dimensions, there is no rule of thumb for this. It’s not your body’s reaching experience but a matter of personal choice.
So, Finally….
This is how to build a super simple $50 workbench for your garage.
To avoid harsh corners, the last thing I would do is to rub the top edges with some pieces of sandpapers or you, if you can afford using a corner rounding router bits, make things easier on you.
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