So, one day you’re watching TV and you hear something drop. BANG! The sound’s coming from the kitchen. Is it something serious?
Then you hear someone screaming out loud. Oh boy, IT IS SERIOUS! As soon as you enter your kitchen you see your kid is crying out for help.
The reason? He fell off the stool as he was trying to reach the higher cabinet to get his cookie jar. When the situation gets under control finally, you take a tour on a flashback.
You remember how you slipped accidentally on your kitchen floor while preparing the apple juice. Nope, you can’t take it anymore. Something needs to be done to turn the tables.
Need some advice? Well, I’m about to tell you how to prevent accident in the kitchen. So, sit tight and take a tour with me.
How to Prevent Accidents in the Kitchen?
Preventing accidents in the kitchen isn’t much of a hard thing that will give you a drag, no… If you stay just an itsy-bitsy bit cautious, you can avoid them pretty easily. Go through these steps below as I’ve talked about accident prevention and crisis management in kitchen.
Organizing Your Tools
If you have toddlers running around in your home, you can’t keep your tools unorganized. Keep the sharp knives a mile away from their reach.
Getting cuts is one thing, but if they handle the knives improperly, which happens a lot, the knives may fall on your floor and destroy it. Besides, if somehow the pointy edge falls on his foot, the next thing you know, he’s in the hospital.

Glassware and teapots are one of those easy-shattering objects that your kids love to play with. Besides, when you break a glass, it not only costs you a fortune (if you buy the expensive ones) but also, they turn into sharp pointy fragments.
If you step on them, there’s no escaping from getting cuts. So, keeping them locked inside a cabinet can ensure the safe zone. At least they stay away from the grasp of your children.

I always prefer not to store things on high cabinets. Even if you do, make sure you don’t try to reach them using stools. If you do your homework, people tripping off the stools while reaching high cabinets is not a rare thing.
If you’re badly in need of getting on a stool, make sure you keep a spotter at its bottom. The spotter will keep its position firm.
Avoiding Burns
Let’s face it, dealing heat is not a once-in-month thing. You need to deal with heat each and every day. Water boiling, preparing a coffee, cooking with your stove, you name it, you got to deal with those red-hot fire on a daily basis.
I’m not going to lie, you can’t say goodbye to burns once and for all. However, it’s possible to take the risk to its minimum chance.
Always keep 2 or more couples of oven gloves close to your oven. No, they’re not something you’ll decorate your kitchen with. Put them on your hands whenever you’ll need to prepare a meal.

I prefer hanging the gloves on the oven-door as it always gives a visual reminder.
As for lids, you can keep them on the pans. When you’re boiling your water, make sure you close the openings of your pan using the lids.
More Banter on the ‘Fire Stuff’
Now, I covered the ‘burn’ thing in the previous section but here’s something you don’t want to mess with. As they say, ‘playing with fire is dangerous.’ True that, but if you’re someone who’s into cooking, you got to play with fire almost every day.
If you’re using a gas stove, make sure you always check if there’s a leak or not. Because, if there’s a leak and you fire the stove up, boy, it’s ‘endgame’ for you.
That being said, objects like towels, flammable food packaging and potholders should maintain a wide distance from your stove.

Also, avoid flammable household cleaners as much as possible. If you really need one, keep it inside a safe area away from fire.
For emergencies, always keep a fire extinguisher inside your kitchen, it’s a must.

Keep Kitchen Floors Tidy
Spilling milk? Who cares, right? Well, you’re going to take it into serious account when you’ll slip and fall on your floor and break a bone.
Not just spilling milk or water, if you take a closer look, you’ll see your kitchen-floor often stays slippery. This usually happens a lot if you don’t clean all the messes you do every day. So, don’t blame me if you trip over.
To prevent slipping and tripping over, always make sure you’ve cleaned all the messes on the floor. If your kid spills something on the floor or let’s say there’s a banana shell on it, don’t just stand there. Wipe your floor using a mop and let it dry.
Always keep towels and tissue papers close to your reach so that you can do all the cleaning job within a blink.
Keep a First Aid Box

So, let’s say even after getting all these precautions, somehow you fell on the ground, burn your skin or cut your fingers with a knife. You got to take action right away. You just can’t wait to call the doctor, seek an appointment and meet him, you’ll be too late.
To bring the situation under control, you’ll find a first aid box pretty handy. Hanging the first aid box on the wall looks pretty good. Your box should have necessary ointments and band-aids. You can keep a few painkillers as well.
Wrapping Up!
Well, so that was pretty much it, to be honest. Now, you might think that knowing how to prevent accident in the kitchen isn’t that important. But you’ll never truly realize unless you fall on an unfortunate situation.
I don’t want you to face any ill-fate. That’s why I urge you to take these tips into account. At least, you’ll be able to confirm your safe zone.
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